
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Trying to Write Again

So I've decided to start writing a lot more, in a desperate attempt to get myself to think more rigorously about the world. I read far too much and think far too little (relatively—I could always read more and be happier). And what better place to write than on my blog?

A few thoughts/themes that I have recently become interested in:
1. Zizek's reading of the Hegelian subject (chapter 6 of The Sublime Object of Ideology): All this positing presuppositions stuff is crazy!
2. Speculative Realism: I recently read After Finitude and loved the idea but found the arguments to be somewhat lacking or downright wrong; currently I'm reading The Quadruple Object by Graham Harman, so we'll see how that goes
3. Nostalgia and its relation to déjà vu (particularly the metaphysical questions that come with it)
4. Universals and universalism: I'm interested in a rigorous critique of particularisms of various kinds (Deleuzian or especially neo-fascist) and the general question of how we can derive political and social universalism from a theory of the universal
5. Analytic philosophy: I feel like I could get a lot out of better familiarizing myself with analytic philosophy, particularly metaphysics and logic; I don't care so much for its other branches, but those could provide some interesting shocks to my thinking

Anyhow, I will hopefully begin developing my thoughts on these themes soon. Let this be my tentative list of things to investigate.

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