
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Aphorisms II: Immanent Critique and Peculiarity Production

1. Theory for theory's sake, when critical, is nothing but the faith that theory will, if only in the end, emerge, as in a dialectical unfolding, for its other, that is, for political practice.

2. The totality is the infinity of determinate negation, which infinity is the expressive self-containment of the finite--in its own expressive curtailment it penetrates the truth of its own inner void.

3. A concept is immanent to the extent that it is objectively there. This translation is one that typically cannot avoid creating a metalanguage between object and concept, and therefore a metalanguage on thin air--but air is needed to breathe.

4. The self-abstraction of the capitalist system is the hidden truth of bourgeois masochistic wish-fulfillment: to confront the reality of market functioning is enough to invite claims of exception, thereby proving the rule, that reality is indeed a Freudian dream.

5. The immanent critique of capitalist society needs no conscious material on which to work; rather, it is enough that a self-understanding be allowed to emerge from the social unconscious. The concepts contained therein--and surely they are there--are already universals, carrying out their abstractions under the cover of apathy. This is where practice enters the picture.

6. Not particularity, but peculiarity is the mark of the potential for liberation today. The tragedy is that nostalgia has usurped that apparatus which is the infinite machine of peculiarity production, the dream-logic of the inattentive mind. This is capitalism's well-known basis in the ideology of nostalgic progress.

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